Call for Speakers - smart way to manage call for papers, speaker and agenda

The 2019 Call for Speakers as been re-opened for submissions OR revisions until July 31st!

Head on over and submit your session now!

This year, we will feature sessions spanning 4 tracks:

  • Agile Transformation – Stories, experiences and practices to enable adoption of agile methods. This track will focus on how teams and organizations have been able to change to enable faster delivery of software products to customers and end-users. Included in the transformation track are methodologies and practices related to agile portfolio management and scaling agile software development.
  • Coaching Agile Teams – Guidance, practices and activities intended to create awesome agile teams. This track will focus on activities for team collaboration, team leadership, establishing team charters & working agreements, facilitating effective team ceremonies and retrospectives, promoting psychological safety, and also measurement & metrics to enable teams to make data-informed decisions. The coaching track will also include activities to enhance / improve agile training workshops and also touch on ways to use improv and other collaborative activities on agile teams.
  • Agile Technical Practices – Practices, demonstrations and tutorials of technical activities necessary for successful agile development, including but not limited to: automated testing, test driven development, continuous integration, test engineering, design patterns, automated code analysis, code katas, pair programming, mob programming, agile technical metrics and technical key performance indicators. The technical practice track will also include sessions focusing on continuous delivery, DevOps, agile infrastructure, platform as a service (PaaS), cloud / cloud native development practices (example: 12 factor applications), user experience (UX), and human centered design (HCD).
  • Business Agility – Stories and methods of how the values and principles of agile software development have been applied to business activities outside of software development teams and Information Technology. Sessions on this track may focus on how to incorporate agile methods into marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, education or other new / emerging applications. Workshops or activities where participants can get hands on experience using agile practices in business activities and/or lean startup activities are highly desired.

NEW for 2019 - Agile Midwest will host a pre-conference Women in Agile event on Tuesday afternoon, September 24, 2019.  A separate registration is required for this event - all are invited to attend. The Women in Agile event will feature 45 minute sessions focused on Diversity & Inclusion as well as 12 minute sessions to highlight new voices & speakers in the agile community.

  • Diversity/Inclusion thru Agile.  For most of us our work lives revolve around the people we interact, engage and collaborate with to build products by following a certain process that help us organize and manage our work. In every area there is an impact from diversity. In this 45 min session Agilistas will share their knowledge/ideas/tips on topics that focus on diversity and inclusion.
  • Launching new Voices. A 12 minute lighting talk for Agilistas in the Midwest to experience something new by being first time conference speakers.  Have a topic around people, process or product you are passionate about. Here is your opportunity to bring it to the world. For this track you have the opportunity mentored by a veteran conference speaker to help you prepare for your talk.